My cowboy spirit came to life in 1992 working cattle on the circle “g” ranch in the texas panhandle when the owner of the ranch gave me a cassette of red steagall poetry. it wasn’t long before my thoughts and ideas about cowboys started coming to me in rhyme.
Sharing a drink with my good friend Jeff Kennedy, head wrangler at the Ghost Ranch in New Mexico.
After spending years with a pen in my hand it came time to perform and share my poetry with others. I decided that a performance needed to be more than just reciting poetry, so I picked up a guitar and sought out a voice coach. The listener can experience the poetry and music the way they did around the campfire in years past. Hear the spoken word and enjoy the music and song of one person and their guitar.
A photo of myself performing at Sundown in Cowtown, an event held at Boxcar Woody by Tallgrass Supply Co. in Stockyards City, Oklahoma.
My performances of late include original poems that I pair with songs that have similar context. The poems are all original and the music includes both original and cover songs. Regardless of your exposure to the cowboy way of life, you will be drawn in by the images created with poem and song.